Food & Drink

Yes, New York, Toronto has heat waves and beaches

Yes, New York, Toronto has heat waves and beaches

It’s always fun when Toronto gets mentioned south of the border, but take a gander at this gullible post from New York magazine about HBO shooting Grey Gardens on the shores of Lake Ontario. By what miracle of motion picture production did they recreate Long lsland–like sand dunes and hot weather in the igloo village known as Toronto?! Sheesh.

Curiouser and curiouser: the blog post’s implicit understanding that New Yorkers are somehow more insulted by having Toronto serve as their double than some other town. It’s as if to say that Boston, Providence, even Omaha can stand in for the Big Apple, but Toronto is only fit to play Cleveland. Or Hoboken. Apparently, Toronto is that boring in the minds of Noo Yawkers. No wonder our tourism industry’s in trouble.

Why HBO’s Grey Gardens put the Hamptons in….Toronto? [New York]


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