Dear Urban Diplomat,
I’m a member at the Toronto Lawn Tennis Club, where they offer a child care service called Kids Klub, the idea being that you can leave your child while exercising or playing tennis. A lot of parents abuse the system by leaving and getting their nails done or going shopping while their kids are in the program, which is totally not allowed. I know it’s none of my business, but it really annoys me given that I comply. Should I report them?
—Rules are rules, Moore Park
The TLTC isn’t licensed as a daycare, so parents are required by law to stay on‑site and not leave their kids for longer than two hours at a time. I called, and the head of the Kids Klub said he hasn’t noticed an abuse of the rules, so either the parents you mention are extremely stealthy, or the staff intentionally ignores transgressors. Whatever the case, I strongly suggest you cease the rending of garments. Some wrongs are worth righting, and this isn’t one of them. There are no victims here, except maybe the Kids Klub employees who have to tend a tad longer to the affluent little begats. If you just can’t let it slide, alert the program head of your concerns, but don’t be surprised if you get death stares in the checkout line at the Five Thieves. Country club gossip spreads faster than bird flu.
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