Dear Urban Diplomat: what’s an e-cigarette hater to do?

Dear Urban Diplomat: what’s an e-cigarette hater to do?

Dear Urban Diplomat: what's an e-cigarette hater to do?
(Image: clintjcl/Flickr)
Dear Urban Diplomat,
I’ve been to three west-end establishments recently—Bambi’s, This End Up and Porzia—where patrons were gaily vaping e-cigs, repercussion-free. I get that it’s not quite smoking a cigarette, but I still don’t enjoy having nicotine vapour blown in my face. Am I lame to complain? Is vaping an officially sanctioned act these days?

—Head in the Clouds, Little Portugal

Toronto Public Health shares your distaste for the habit and has urged the provincial government to restrict e-cigarette usage, which it now plans to do. If and when that happens, you’ll be able to drop by your favourite Dundas West dive without the risk of second-hand vapour. Until then, e-cig etiquette will be governed by common decency. Keep in mind that vape exhalations are less obnoxious than most colognes. They are less pungent than real cigs and tend to dissipate faster, too. Next time you inhale a vapey nimbus while out on the town, I suggest you assess your circumstances. If the culprit is a lone vaper who could easily aim his exhaust in another direction, politely request as much. If you’re in a room full of half-drunk e-tokers, it might be best to either bear it or leave, at least until you’ve got the law on your side.

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