Year founded: 2014 Notable principal: Mark Zekulin, president of subsidiary Tweed, was senior advisor to Ontario finance minister Dwight Duncan Growing area: 573,000 square feet Annual capacity: 5,740 kilograms Revenue in last quarter: $2.5 million Share price: $2.68 Market cap: $272 million Listed on: TSX Venture
Year founded: 2013 Notable principal: President and CEO Vic Neufeld was CEO of the Jamieson vitamin company Growing area: 22,000 square feet Annual capacity: 2,000 kilograms Revenue in last quarter: $2 million Share price: $1.19 Market cap: $63.5 million Listed on: TSX Venture
Year founded: 2013 Notable principal: President Roger Rogers was VP of Moosehead Breweries Growing area: 31,000 square feet Annual capacity: 600 kilograms Revenue in last quarter: $675,500 Share price: $0.79 Market cap: $44.5 million Listed on: TSX Venture
Year founded: 2012 Notable principal: CEO Michael Haines was chairman of Blammo Games Growing area: 87,000 square feet Annual capacity: 3,500 kilograms Revenue in last quarter: $1.7 million Share price: $1.75 Market cap: $59 million Listed on: TSX Venture
Year founded: 2013 Notable principal: Director Chuck Rifici is CFO of the federal Liberal party Growing area: 55,200 square feet Annual capacity: 5,400 kilograms Revenue in last quarter: N/A Share price: $0.54 Market cap: $73.8 million Listed on: Canadian Securities Exchange
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