
The list of Rob Ford’s sketchy friends keeps growing

The list of Rob Ford’s sketchy friends keeps growing
(Image: Christopher Drost)

The Star published a lengthy investigative piece over the weekend alleging police are investigating the efforts of Rob Ford’henchmen associates to retrieve the infamous cellphone crack video. The lengthy story still doesn’t prove whether or not Ford has smoked crack, but it does raise some very serious questions about the mayor’s choice of friends, whose shadowy ranks already include “logistics director” David Price and Fabio Basso, who lives in the bungalow at the centre of the crack scandal. Below, a rundown on the latest of the mayor’s dodgy inner circle to hit the spotlight.

Alexander “Sandro” Lisi

  • Age: 35
  • Ties to  Ford: Lisi acts as Ford’s occasional driver and security guard, including on the day last March when Ford allegedly arrived drunk to the Garrison Ball. According to the Star, he told at least three people that he supplies Ford with drugs. He often goes to Maple Leafs games with the mayor, and residents in Lisi’s neighbourhood say Ford visits Lisi frequently.
  • Role in the crack scandal: After the the news of the video broke, he repeatedly visited the notorious Etobicoke bungalow in this famous photo with Ford’s mysterious aide David Price. He even (allegedly) asked the owner of the bungalow, “Where are the guys who made the video...You know where they are.”
  • Criminal history: Multiple convictions, which include: threatening death to one woman; assault, criminal harassment and threatening bodily harm to another woman. He’s also been charged three times with drug possession, though convicted only once.
  • Other: He lives in his parents’ basement in Etobicoke and drives a Range Rover, whose licence plates he recently changed due to the scrutiny from his connection with Ford. He’s being investigated by police.

Bruno Bellissimo

  • Age: 43
  • Ties to Ford: He’s known Ford since they were young (according to Bellissimo’s mother, they swam together as kids). More intriguing, he was reportedly the person Ford was trying to see during an odd visit to the Toronto West Detention Centre in March. He bragged to friends that Ford gave him a debit card and permission to withdraw $500 on occasion and he was also in the car along with Lisi on the night Ford was escorted out of the Garrison Ball.
  • Role in the crack scandal: None yet.
  • Criminal history: He was convicted of assaulting his parents and threatening his mother in May and ordered to attend counselling for his drug addiction.
  • Other: Currently in a substance abuse treatment program.

Peter Kordas

  • Age: Unknown.
  • Ties to Ford: He told friends he occasionally drives Ford around when they mayor wants to go out at night, and that he’s “a personal friend of Rob Ford’s.” He hasn’t been seen with Ford recently, but was reportedly at a pre-party in the mayor’s office on St. Patrick’s Day in 2012 before Ford turned up “hammered” in a private room at the Bier Markt.
  • Role in the crack scandal: None yet.
  • Criminal history: Unknown.
  • Other: Former TTC driver. He resigned after (allegedly) making inappropriate comments to a young woman on his bus. Now he drives a bus for York University and lives with his parents one street away from Bellissimo’s house.


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