
Rob and Doug Ford vote against a Raptors training facility, for some reason


During a city council meeting on Monday, Rob and Doug Ford were the lone votes against a proposal to allow Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment to invest $30 million in a new Raptors practice facility at Exhibition Place. The brothers’ “no” votes, the Globe reports, were in protest of council’s refusal to back the mayor’s idea for a last-minute change to the deal. Under Ford’s new terms, the city would have asked MLSE to allot a certain amount of time at the facility for the exclusive use of TCHC residents. Other councillors interviewed by the Globe pointed out that the deal already calls for a certain amount of community access, and that the Fords may have had a better shot at changing the arrangement had they raised their objection at an earlier point in the months-long negotiations with MLSE leading up to Monday’s vote. “They’ve just insulted every single kid in Toronto Community Housing,” Rob Ford told reporters after his predictable loss.


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