“They wanted jets, and today we clearly heard that council is not ready to say yes to it no matter how much money is spent on lobbying or multimillion-dollar campaigns.”
-NoJetsTO chair Anshul Kapoor, telling reporters why he’s satisfied with yesterday’s vote. After hours of debate, city council decided to go ahead with negotiations that could result in Porter Airlines’ requested jet-friendly changes at the island airport. That’s not an ideal situation for anti-jets activists like Kapoor, but, on the other hand, there are so many conditions attached to the negotiations that the odds seem stacked against Porter.
“To me it looks very positive and we’re very pleased with the support we have. That was a strong vote.”
-Porter CEO Robert Deluce, taking the glass-half-full view of the day’s vote. And it’s true: the vote was unanimous. And so while Porter doesn’t have a guaranteed victory, the company did at least succeed at keeping the issue alive. It will likely be punted to the next term of council, which could result in a better outcome for Porter, depending upon which mayoral candidate wins the 2014 election.
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