
Heather Reisman not invincible: Pistachio’s Yorkdale mall location to close

Heather Reisman not invincible: Pistachio's Yorkdale mall location to close

Not even a powerhouse like Heather Reisman could withstand the economic downturn. The Indigo CEO is closing the Yorkdale location of her green lifestyle and stationery shop Pistachio, reports Quill and Quire. Indigo has yet to make an official comment on the closing, but a sign went up in the store window last week—merchandise is now marked down between 35 and 75 per cent—and a staffer has said the last day of business will be March 31.

The large Yonge and Eglinton location, once home to modern furniture store Nestings, will remain open, though businesses in that area have been quick to turn over in the past year.

When the Pistachio stores opened in 2008, Reisman had plans to open up to eight more locations, operating on the belief that people would continue to buy premium green products during hard times. Maybe midtown residents will be more interested in paying a premium for eco-friendly paper goods and giftware than Yorkdale shoppers.

• Toronto Pistachio location set to close [Quill and Quire]


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