What people are saying about Justin Trudeau’s bride-smooching kayak adventure

What people are saying about Justin Trudeau’s bride-smooching kayak adventure

Photograph by Adam Scotti/Twitter

Two things happened during Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s kayak expedition in British Columbia’s Gulf Islands National Park Reserve on Saturday: first, he fell out of the boat, and then, for at least the second time since he was elected PM, he stumbled upon a bride and groom and took some photos with them. The internet can barely handle one Trudeau occurrence at a time. Here’s how people reacted to last weekend’s twofer:

Trudeau’s official photographer captured the moment. The PM reportedly planted no fewer than two smooches on the bride’s cheek:

A lot of people were worried about the groom’s feelings:

The guy is definitely no Trudeau, looks-wise, but we have a feeling he’ll recover:

Has Justin Trudeau set unreasonably high standards for prime ministerial participation in Canadian nuptials? Someone hurry and write a hot take about this:

A few people seemed to think Trudeau’s kayak foibles were part of some elaborate game of nth-dimensional chess:

While others saw a shameless self-promoter, shamelessly self-promoting:

A few others saw a double standard, but come on: if Trump was photographed partaking in any physical activity other than golf, the response would be amazement, not anger.

Is the Trudeau obsession getting a little parochial, though? Nah…

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