Dear Urban Diplomat: Is my fidget spinner hate justified?

Dear Urban Diplomat: Is my fidget spinner hate justified?

I recently went to a Canadian Tire to get some work done on my car. As the young man at the counter explained the cost breakdown of the services, he drew from his chest pocket a fidget spinner and began twirling it. I was dumbstruck. This was not an antsy six-year-old waiting for an ice cream cone or an ADHD-afflicted tween passing time on the TTC. This was an adult in a professional setting. Where do we draw the line on this stupid spinner craze?

—Spin Control, Upper Beach

I hate to break it to you, but what you describe is hardly the most alarming use of this particular toy (google “fidget spinner hair curlers”). The craze is indeed ridiculous. But so is your ire: you’re at a Canadian Tire, not the Four Seasons. And, as far as I can tell, the spinning spectacle—while bizarre—didn’t affect the quality of service you received. It’s probably safe to assume that cost breakdowns aren’t this 20-something’s passion. If playing with a toy is what gets him through his mind-numbing job, then so be it.

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