Contrary to popular belief, stars don’t only come out at night, spottable only as they rush from black SUVs to VIP sections. We’ve figured out a way to see them in broad daylight. Over the course of TIFF, our friends at the film site IndieWire are hosting a series of lunchtime interviews with Clive Owen, Catherine Keener, David Schwimmer and James Franco, to name just a few. The chats will be on the ground floor of the spanking new Filmmaker’s Lounge (134 Peter Street), which has massive windows that overlook the street. Downtowners are welcome to come by and gawk. BlackBerry users can even ask the stars questions by texting them to PIN number 20878C9E.
The whole schedule of which stars will appear on which day, after the jump.
Friday, September 10 12:40 p.m.-1:10 p.m. David Schwimmer, Catherine Keener and Clive Owen, Trust 1:10 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Emilio Estevez and Martin Sheen, The Way
Saturday, September 11 12:40 p.m.-1:10 p.m. James Franco, 127 Hours 1:10 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Ted Hope and Miranda Bailey, Super
Sunday, September 12 12:40 p.m.-1:00 p.m. Tony Goldwyn, Conviction 1:00 p.m.-1:15 p.m. Guillermo Del Toro, Julia’s Eyes 1:15 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Denis Villeneuve, Incendies
Monday, September 13 12:40 p.m.-1:10 p.m. Danny Boyle, 127 Hours 1:10 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Ondi Timoner, Bjorn Lomborg, Cool It
Tuesday, September 14 12:40 p.m.-1:10 p.m. Jim Mickle, Larry Fessenden, Stake Land 1:10 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Abe Sylvia, Dirty Girl
Wednesday, September 15
12:40 p.m.-1:10 p.m. Derek Cianfrance, Blue Valentine
1:10 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Xavier Dolan, Heartbeats
(Images: Franco, David Shankbone; Keener,; Owen, Grey Goose)
= Find this story on our Celebrity Sightings Map, where we plot the locations of stars spotted throughout Toronto
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