A planet-friendly guide to Toronto
Transitioning to an eco-friendly lifestyle used to mean upheaval and inconvenience. Not anymore. With the proliferation of zero-packaging stores, smart strategies for energy-efficient homes, fashion designers with a sustainability-first ethos and low-impact options for everything from your dental floss to your toilet brush, going green has never been easier. That’s not to say it will be stress-free, of course. Luckily, there’s a zero-waste cocktail for that, too.
Part 1: The sustainability sisters—Toni and Lin Sappong, zero-wasters since March 2018
Part 2: The diaper warriors—Ryan Dyment and Emily Hunter, zero-wasters since January 2015
Part 3: The queen of green—Meera Jain, zero-waster since March 2018
Part 4: A sustainable sanctuary in Leslieville
Part 5: A lakeside eco-retreat
Part 6: A natural oasis in Midtown
Part 7: How one super turned his building into a miraculously low-waste condo
Part 8: Incredible bulk—four packaging-free shops
Part 9: Supernova Ballroom—the low-waste cocktail bar
Part 10: “I went green—maybe a little too green"
Part 11: The green shopping guide—guilt-free goodies for climate-conscious consumers
This story originally appeared in the March 2020 issue of Toronto Life magazine. To subscribe, for just $29.95 a year, click here.
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