The Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension is a little bit (okay, a couple years) behind schedule, but in the scheme of things it won’t be that much longer before it’s possible to hop on the subway in Vaughan and ride it all the way downtown. Today, the TTC and the Ontario government announced that track work on the extension—which will bring the Yonge-University-Spadina line into the burbs, with several stops along the way—is finished.
The extension’s six new subway stops aren’t supposed to open until December 2017, because the stations are unfinished and critical mechanical and electrical systems have yet to be installed. Even so, the TTC released a video earlier today (embedded above) that shows what riding those rails looks like. Lean in super close to your computer screen and it’s almost like you’re there, sitting at the front of a blissfully deserted subway car. Enjoy the moment, and try not to think about what an influx of Vaughan subway commuters will mean for rush hour.
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