Today Toronto Life releases its May issue, the first one in the magazine’s 54-year history to be produced remotely, entirely from the kitchen tables and living room sofas of its editorial staff. Magazines like Toronto Life are usually planned months in advance, and the May issue was well under way in mid-March when it became clear that Covid-19 was going to upend every aspect of our lives. We quickly realized that none of the stories scheduled to run still made sense. So we put them all on hold and started from scratch.
We held Zoom meetings with toddlers on our laps and carved out a plan. For a brief period, we weren’t sure if the province would allow our printing press to continue to operate. Fortunately, Doug Ford and the province deemed journalism an essential service. I’m biased of course, but I couldn’t agree with that decision more. Has the role of journalism ever been more important? Citizens need reporters during a national crisis to ensure public safety, and to better understand our bizarre new reality.
And in a time of physical separation, we all desperately want to hear about each other’s lives to feel less alone. In the May issue, Toronto Life features a wide range of reactions to this crisis. Some of the stories are heartwarming and uplifting. Others are sad and scary. The issue also salutes the politicians, health care workers, business leaders and ordinary citizens who have displayed remarkable ingenuity and courage. Overall, we hope the May issue captures the spirit of our city and helps readers feel a little more connected in this isolating time.
The May issue’s pages also feature haunting photographs by Toronto Life’s director of photography, Daniel Neuhaus. He rode his motorcycle through the silent streets, covered from head to toe in boots, gloves and a full-face helmet, to record this remarkable moment in the city’s history.
The print edition of Toronto Life is available at some grocery store newsstands, even during this crisis, but the best way to get the magazine is to sign up for a print subscription. Subscribing is also an excellent way to support Toronto Life’s journalism. To subscribe, for just $29.95 a year, click here.
Toronto Life e-newsletter
Toronto Life has also launched a new e-newsletter called This City, all about Toronto during the crisis, sent directly to your inbox Tuesdays and Thursdays. It features stories about front-line workers, scientists working on beating the virus, milestone events celebrated on Zoom, sewing groups making masks for front-line workers and people singing from their balconies. Each newsletter also has essential information about the best takeout meals, online workouts, fresh-from-the-farm produce delivery, streaming cultural events and everything else you need right now. Sign up at
Toronto Life’s membership program now hosting virtual events In addition, Toronto Life’s membership program, TL Insider, has gone virtual during the crisis. We’re still providing members with cultural events, intimate experiences and discussions—just online. Please consider signing up. A virtual membership is just $75 a year with the promo code TLVIRTUAL, and includes a subscription to the print magazine. To sign up, visit
Sarah Fulford is the editor of Toronto Life. She can be found on Twitter @sarah_fulford.
Sign up for This City, our free newsletter about everything that matters right now in Toronto politics, sports, business, culture, society and more.