Some people are way too excited about pictures of young Justin Trudeau

Some people are way too excited about pictures of young Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau’s status as an icon of handsomeness has been cemented a thousand times over at this point (most recently on HBO’s Girls, when a character called the PM “perfect”). But did you know that he was also handsome in the past? A lot of people found that out yesterday when Twitter discovered a bunch of pictures of Trudeau as a young(er) man. Like this one:


And this one:


And, oh yeah, this one:


Here’s a small sample of the outpouring of the lust that ensued.

He’s saving lives:

A legitimate question:

Let us not forget that he still looks just fine:

Of course, like everything else in the world right now, this is really about Donald Trump:


Trudeau is officially hotter than Biden:


Could Justin Trudeau’s pecs be an even more powerful tourism lure than a weak loonie? Maybe:

Perhaps it’s a good thing the PM doesn’t know the full extent of his power:

The thirst is real:

Just stay calm, everyone:

And try not to think about the fact that, politically speaking, the Trudeau honeymoon period has been over for like a year: