A lot of feathers have been ruffled over the enormous bath toy that will be touring Ontario next month. Giant rubber ducks from one Dutch designer have been bathing around the world since 2007, and soon Toronto will be home to its own (albeit one that’s been called a “counterfeit”). The World’s Largest Rubber Duck will be paddling over from Washington to make a splash at the Redpath Waterfront Festival from July 1-3, before heading to other Ontario cities as part of the Canada 150 celebrations. While many are crying fowl over the six-storey bird, duck enthusiasts are quacking with joy.
Here we have some all-caps excitement:
Fans of the duck are happy to point out that the Ontario government didn’t give $120,000 just for the duck:
Not that it wouldn’t be worth it:
Why quit while we’re ahead?
As for the critics who say a duck has no place in Toronto...
Counterfeit or not, it’s bringing the world together in one bathtub—as the original duck designer, Florentijn Hofman, intended:
It’s causing serious fowl FOMO for some:
Something to consider for Canada 175:
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