Food & Drink

Elevated gin cocktails for every type of sipper

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Which one of these five Ungava Gin cocktails suit your personality best?

Elevated gin cocktails for every type of sipper
Ungava Basil Gin Smash

Ungava Gin is special. Very special. It’s made from hand-picked botanicals sourced from northern Quebec, with a natural golden sparkle, and a taste like no other to satisfy every cocktail lover’s particular sensibilities. With summer officially in full-swing, we’ve matched five incredible Ungava cocktails with five personality types. Some of these recipes have a hint of sweetness. Others have a one-of-a-kind sparkle. Each is refreshingly unique in its own way. 

For the aperitif aficionado 

Well-read and knowledgeable, the aperitif aficionado prologues dinner with an Ungava Bee’s Kneesa cocktail as impressive as they are. The phrase “bee’s knees” was used in Prohibition times as slang to mean “the best.” Ungava’s fresh, floral citrus notes are more pronounced in this cocktail, complementing flavours of lemon and honey perfectly. They sometimes borderline cocky, but when serving a cocktail as good as this, no one can question their judgement. 


2 oz. Ungava gin

0.75 oz. fresh lemon juice

0.75 oz. honey syrup (2:1 honey:water)

lemon zest

(for a dryer version try 1 oz lemon and ½ oz honey syrup)



Coupe glass


Pour all liquid ingredients into a shaker with ice. Shake and fine strain into a chilled cocktail coupe/martini glass. Garnish with lemon zest. 



For the poolside lounger

Embracing the heat of summer months, the poolside lounger thinks air conditioning is overrated–choosing to enjoy an Ungava Basil Gin Smash instead. Shaken or built, not many cocktails are as tasty in the summer heat quick like this one. Easy-drinking, this cocktail sustains sweet and savoury appetites while maintaining a refreshing balance to keep you cool. 


¾ oz. lemon juice


½ oz. simple syrup

6 basil leaves

Ice cubes


Double old-fashioned or Collins glass.



Add ingredients to a cocktail shaker, shake with ice. Fine strain onto fresh ice filled glass. Garnish with basil leaves and top with sparkling water.

Elevated gin cocktails for every type of sipper
Ungava Southside

For the trendsetter  

Always ahead of the curve, the trendsetter serves the Ungava Southside–a tropical twist on the classic cocktail. With the addition of pineapple, this cocktail delivers a hydrating juiciness to the familiar zip of lemon and aromatic mint of a southside. Its delicate appearance and captivating fragrance is guaranteed to spark the curiosity of onlookers. Nothing makes the trendsetter happier than sipping a drink that gets everyone talking.  



2 oz. Ungava gin

¾ oz. lemon juice

½ oz. simple syrup

5 mint leaves

chunk of pineapple



A chilled Coupe or nick and nora works wonderfully.


Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker, give mint and pineapple a gentle muddle, shake and double strain into a chilled coupe.



For the wanderlust

An expert in both business and pleasure, the wanderlust favours the Ungava Golden Negroni–a cocktail as worldly as they are. This smoother, lighter and somewhat golden twist on the classic cocktail profiles regional variants from France, Switzerland, and Italy. Smooth and intriguing, this cocktail makes for the perfect aperitif before dinner. 


1 oz. Ungava gin

1 oz. Lillet Blanc


1 oz. (Suze, Luxardo Bianco, Aperol depending on the region)


Rocks glass


Pour all three ingredients into a mixing vessel, fill with ice and stir gently. Pour on to fresh ice in a chilled rocks glass. Lemon twist



For the stargazer

The stargazer finds beauty in nature and celebrates it with an Ungava Arctic Sparkler. Garnished with a grapefruit twist, this Canadian Champagne cocktail is as fun to build as it is to enjoy. Its one-of-a-kind sparkle compliments that of a summer night’s sky, perfect for a backyard staycation. 



0.5 oz. grapefruit juice

0.25 oz simple syrup

3 oz. Champagne

Grapefruit Twist

Ice cubes



White wine glass


Shake gin, grapefruit and simple syrup. Add to an ice-filled wine glass. Top with champagne and garnish with grapefruit twist.

Please enjoy Ungava responsibly.


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