King West can be a mixed bag (it’s the stomping grounds of rowdy businessmen and drunken groups of girls), so it was only natural to be skeptical of a party that shares an alleyway with bachelorette central Devil’s Martini. And the after-party for Looper, which stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis, had a slow start. Guests arrived at 11 p.m., but Gordon-Levitt and Willis didn’t show until closer to 1 a.m. (they were busy at Soho House until then). When Willis finally did show, harried PR girls who had already changed from teetering heels to flats saw the official TIFF chauffeur service car and screeched “It’s an Audi! Get ready!” The actor was greeted in the outdoor area with a hearty “Finally, you’re here!” by frenzied fans who stuck out the wait. Though Willis stayed for only a few minutes, Gordon-Levitt doffed his suit jacket, rolled up his sleeves, posed for iPhone photos with well-wishers and whipped out his iPhone to take a few pics of his own. He was one of the last to leave the party, holding out until around 3 a.m. Not too shabby for a Thursday.
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