Who Graydon Welbourn, 28, @sincerelygraydon
What he does Managing partner at a recruitment firm for the cannabis industry; part-time music manager
What he makes $ 160,000 a year
Where he lives A two-bedroom condo near Yonge and Bloor
Rent $2,300 a month. “I used to have a roommate who paid $1,250 a month, which helped offset the cost, but he moved out during the pandemic.”
Internet $150 a month, for unlimited high-speed, with Rogers.
Cell $200 a month, for an iPhone and a Motorola. “I need two different phones—one American, one Canadian—because I make a lot of international calls for work.”
Gym $75 a month, at GoodLife. “I was a member at the Toronto Athletic Club, but GoodLife is cheaper and closer to me.”
Therapy $300 a month. “It’s expensive, but I’m prioritizing my mental health.”
Groceries $600 a month. “I get all of my vegetables and basic stuff at No Frills, to save, but I buy meat and fish at Longo’s.”
Eating out $400 a month. “I treat myself at some of the nicer restaurants in town, like Salt Wine Bar, Lake Inez and Ration Food Lab.”
Investments $750 a month, into crypto. “I think decentralized currency is the way of the future.”
Savings $1,500 a month. “I’m saving for a house. Depending on the market, I’m probably $50,000 away from a down payment.”
Trip to California $3,500. “I manage a Toronto-based artist called Frank Mighty’s Hotline, so he and I went down there to record.”
Raptors vs. Lakers tickets $800, for a pair of lower bowl seats. “This was a Christmas gift to myself, because I wanted to see LeBron in action.”
Interested in sharing your cost of living? We’d like to hear from you, especially if you’re a family. Send a breakdown of your monthly expenses to costofliving@torontolife.com
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