Well, the plot thickens. After yesterday’s steamy love letter from Greenspan to Mark Steyn, this morning finds Andrew Harris of Bloomberg revealing that prosecutors have filed a letter from a Canadian Justice Department official, one Thomas Beveridge, with the court. In essence, the missive suggests that Eddie’s claim about there not being “…a court in our land that would not immediately enforce” Conrad’s potential waiver of his right to an extradition hearing is, ah, wrong. In language that would slow photons to a walk, Beveridge explains that the “Lack of express statutory authority to enforce these prior undertakings gives rise to the possibility of extensive litigation in our courts.” Whatever. The point is that Conrad’s hop, skip and jump back to the Bridle Path just got a little harder (leaving aside other recent pyrotechnics), and rather than caesars at Shoeless Joe’s for the rest of the summer, it may have to be G&Ts at The Breakers.
Black’s Extradition Isn’t Guaranteed, Canadian Says [Bloomberg]
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