Rob Ford holds a press conference at city hall to announce a bomb threat against city hall

Rob Ford holds a press conference at city hall to announce a bomb threat against city hall

tl_ford_now-whatRob Ford gathered reporters this afternoon to display a crudely typed note, which he claimed was emailed to his brother Doug Ford on Sunday night. According to the Post’s Natalie Alcoba, the note says its author will blow up city hall in either 12 or 24 hours (it’s not clear which) if the mayor and his brother refuse to “vacate” the premises. “This is very, very serious,” the mayor told the media. “I don’t want people to panic, but we’re aware of this and police are working on this as fast as possible to find out who sent it.” In an indication of just how seriously the mayor and his staff are taking the threat, the press conference was held outside his office, at city hall. This isn’t the first time the mayor has publicized a death threat.