Madonna, poster child for the taut bum after 50, is bringing one of her high-end fitness centres to Toronto. Hard Candy Fitness—yes, that’s really what it’s called—will open October 31 in the gargantuan Aura condo building at Yonge and Gerrard. It will have all the usual high-end amenities: pounding music; steam rooms; juice bar; rooftop patio. The big sell, however, are workouts based on Madonna’s own rigorous anti-aging regime, developed by her personal trainer, Nicole Winhoffer. A promo video suggests a few months of hanging in cocoon-like hammocks, sliding around on towels, and swinging on “red velvet” seat belts is all it takes to net the superstar’s sinewy guns and a muscled legs. Assuming that’s a good thing, of course.
Hard Candy Fitness, 382 Yonge St., 416-979-1645,
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