Some people will be enclosing 10 cats in a room this weekend, and you’re invited to check it out. Pet Me Meow, one of the two wannabe Toronto cat cafés currently raising funds on Indiegogo, will be test-running its concept from June 6 to 8 at Redfish Bluefish Creative Café, a kid-friendly coffee shop at Harbord and Spadina. For twenty bucks ($15 for early bookers), a limited number of cat lovers will be able to hang out in a temporary “Cat Lounge” stocked with board games, comfy seats and up to 10 adoption-ready felines, who will presumably be kept entirely separate from the food-service area of the café, in accordance with provincial health-protection legislation.
June 6-8. $15-20. Redfish Bluefish Creative Café, 73 Harbord St.,
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