• Manhattan was besieged by a group of McMoms last week—a team of pro-McDonald’s matriarchs who were handpicked by corporate bigwigs to crusade in favour of the fast-food giant. In their attempts to convince other parents that the chain provides good food for kids, they offered some words of McWisdom: trade the Coke for a bottle of Dasani, take the salt off fries and swap the cheeseburger for some chicken McNuggets. Unfortunately, they provided no counsel about the ill-effects of selling out to the man. [New York Daily News]
• The National Post looks to history—well, prehistory—for dietary advice this week, examining the pros and cons the caveman diet. Jennifer Sygo rattles them off in her article about only eating food available before the advent of agriculture: fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, wild game and the like. Some scientists say it makes sense on a genetic level, as the human genome has changed little over the past 10,000 years. The downside? It’s unsustainable (the planet would only be able to feed about 30 million people that way). [National Post]
• A Canadian ex-pat bar has popped up in New York City. The rather blandly named Ontario Bar—though we’re glad it’s not called Mountie Tavern or Nickel Barback—will serve up staple Canadian brews like Molson, Moosehead and Labatt, as well as ten varieties of Canadian whiskey. No sign of poutine yet, but the jukebox is stocked with the likes of Arcade Fire (so 2004), Metric and Neil Young. [New York]
• A series of new handbags might eliminate the disastrous fashion faux pas of toting around a greasy paper bag during lunch hour. The Lunch à la Mode satchels come with insulated lunch sections, pouches for ice packs, beverage holders and space for normal, unrefrigerated purse contents. [Toronto Star]
• Barack Obama’s beloved heart-shaped potato has nothing on the freakishly detailed baby Buddha pears coming out of China. Farmer Gao Xianzhang has created 10,000 of the edible oddballs, which are a hit in his home village of Hexia despite their hefty cost (roughly $8 CAD each). He’s spent six years perfecting the process of growing the fruit in individual molds so that they adopt the shape of the avatar, complete with easily discernible facial features. [Daily Mail]
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