Toronto has been the unofficial home of the Prime Video series The Boys for the past five years. The show, developed by Eric Kripke, is a satire that follows a group of corrupt superheroes called the Seven, led by the Superman-esque Homelander (Antony Starr). A group of vigilantes known as the Boys, led by Billy Butcher (Karl Urban), face off against the Seven to try to protect the non-superpower-endowed world. Jack Quaid, Erin Moriarty, Jessie T. Usher, Chace Crawford, Laz Alonso, Karen Fukuhara and Nathan Mitchell also star.
While the series is set in New York, most of the show is filmed here in Toronto, and viewers can count on spotting plenty of notable streets and landmarks, like Roy Thomson Hall, Sneaky Dee’s and the Port Lands. With season four now streaming on Prime Video—and featuring new cast members Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Valorie Curry and Susan Heyward—we’re taking a look at some of the most recognizable Toronto landmarks that appear in the series’ latest chapter.
The CN Tower and Rogers Centre are clearly visible in this season-four scene, where Jessie T. Usher (A-Train) makes a phone call from the Harbourfront.
The iconic Roy Thomson Hall is transformed into Vought Tower, the Seven’s headquarters. Like in previous seasons, the striking architecture of Homelander’s home base is recognizable to those in the know.
The streets of downtown Toronto are frequently featured in scenes with the Seven and the Boys.
The large rally scene in episode three was filmed at David Pecaut Square. Located right beside Roy Thomson Hall, it’s often used as a filming location in the series.
The musical scene in episode three was filmed at Oshawa’s Tribute Communities Centre. The massive space was transformed into VoughtCoin Arena for this musical number, Vought on Ice.
In episode six, Annie (Erin Moriarty), Kimiko (Karen Fukuhara) and Mother’s Milk (Laz Alonso) break into a manor, which is the IRL Niagara Falls mansion Oak Hall.
Here, Black Noir (Nathan Mitchell) and the Deep (Chace Crawford) appear in a scene at VoughtBank, which was filmed in Old Toronto.
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