TIFF 2011 has been packed full of stars, red carpets, exclusive parties, and various quips and jokes, and to celebrate the many achievements of this year’s festival, we present to you a yearbook for the TIFF class of 2011: Keira Knightley, Ryan Gosling, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Steve McQueen, Sarah Silverman, Seth Rogen, Whit Stillman, Jennifer Garner and Johnny Rotten. Find out what they had to say, and who was “voted” most likely to be beautiful forever in our just-arrived-from-the-printer class album.
(Images: Matt Carr/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images)
Most likely to be beautiful forever
“I did a couple of shots of vodka—definitely—beforehand, and then a couple of glasses of champagne as a celebration of never having to do that again.” - On her drinks of choice, pre and post spanking
Most likely to stop traffic
“It was really fun to work with George. [Clooney tosses a few greenbacks on the table.] It was more than fun; it was life-altering. [Clooney tosses a few more.] It was like watching a unicorn being born.” - On the relationship between George Clooney and unicorns
Most likely to embrace her natural beauty
“I do think there are a lot of movies that let audiences see what’s inside a woman sexually.” - Maggie Gyllenhaal remembering that porn exists
Most likely to make another film with naked people
“I wanted to make it a foursome. What [the actors] did in that scene was some of the most talked about acting there is. It’s all about getting the camera very close.” - Steve McQueen on the art of group sex
Most likely to work blue
“Did you see any real stars?” - Sarah Silverman on where she fits in the celeb hierarchy
Most likely to laugh louder than the audience at his own premiere
“I approached it the same way I approached Fart Cops.” - Seth Rogen on how he approached his turn as a dramatic lead in Sarah Polley’s Take This Waltz
Most likely to spend the next 13 years underground
“Can we make this the last question? Actually, can we make the previous question the last question?” - Whit Stillman avoiding a question
Most likely to have another child
“We could have stayed in those butter coolers for the whole movie… You should do it. Put a bunch of hunks of butter together and start carving with a knife. I’m telling you, it’s so gratifying.” - Jennifer Garner on playing with butter
Most likely to party like it’s 1979
“I think she’s quite charming. I loved the Queen Mum more, though.” - Johnny Rotten’s real feelings about the Queen
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