Last night, The Spoke Club held one of the official TIFF kickoff events—the annual Canadian Filmmakers Party—and it set a wonderful tone for the festival-to-come. Our inner nerd was hyperventilating and grasping for his inhaler at seeing Canadian Battlestar Galactica alums Aaron Douglas and Grace Park. Other guests included Eric McCormack, of Will and Grace fame, Jian Ghomeshi, Stephen Wong (from Project Runway Canada), Ainsley Kerr (of course), and Dan Woods (who we fondly remember as Degrassi’s irascible but lovable principal).
Also present was prominent local mixmaster, DJ Barbi. When “No Diggity” came on, we tried to get a dance party started, but then remembered we were at the Spoke Club (when dance is talked about, not demonstrated) and regained our composure, attempting to simply acknowledged the awesomeness of the song to fellow guests while nonchalantly enjoying the free Grolsch.
If nothing else, the party has us excited for things to come this TIFF. It was also a lesson in T.O. celeb-spotting: The Spoke is one of the top spots to observe decent local celebrities in their own habitat.
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