The luncheon and reception at the Four Seasons hosted by famed Hollywood columnist George Christy is always one of the hottest TIFF tickets. At Saturday’s reception, mega-stars mingled with the genteel set—including Galen and Hilary Weston, Kim Newport-Mimran and Joe Mimran (looking regal in plush blue and gold slippers) and Ben Mulroney—in the Avenue Bar before proceeding to a sumptuous lunch upstairs.
Anthony Hopkins, in town to promote his film, the Woody Allen-directed You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger, had the ladies a-twitter (“He looks so good. How old is he?”) and brought the inevitable fava bean and chianti jokes as he offered one-word answers to our questions. Yes, he does like Toronto, and yes, it was good working with Allen. Roger Ebert chatted with Norman Jewison and took pictures of actor Dominic Cooper. As hotel staffers tried to wrap the party and usher guests out, they were stopped by one who insisted, “It’s George’s decision. Let it go on as long as he likes.”
= Find this story on our Celebrity Sightings Map, where we plot the locations of stars spotted throughout Toronto
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