1 | My focusing bell I keep it at the top of my stairwell. Every morning, I ring it and think of a word, like laughter, courage or radiance, to meditate on throughout the day. The ritual helps me pay attention to little things I might otherwise overlook.
2 | My gorilla photograph Jane Goodall is one of my heroes. At a fundraiser for her institute a few years ago, I bought a wonderful image by the Toronto photographer Jo-Anne McArthur of a gorilla named Pikin who was saved from becoming bush meat.
3 | My eyebrow enhancer When it comes to eyebrows, I completely lost out in the genetic lottery. I fill mine in with MAC’s Brun eyeshadow.
4 | My kiddie vitamins I buy gummy ones made by Nutrition Now. I grew up with Flintstones vitamins and still believe supplements should taste like candy—it’s the spoonful-of-sugar philosophy.
5 | My foot massages I’m an addict. In every major city that I’ve ever lived in—Los Angeles, New York, Vancouver—one of the first things I did when I got there was scout the local foot massage places. In Toronto, I make a weekly pilgrimage to Chinatown, where there are a few good spots. I also sometimes go to Happy Foot Spa in Yorkville.
6 | My internet workouts My personal trainer, Monte Cox, lives in Los Angeles, so he trains me via Skype. It’s perfect because I’m lazy and busy, and I always manage to talk myself out of going to the gym. Plus, this way I get to shower at home.
7 | My dive licence Scuba diving is my go-to activity when I have time off. It’s also really handy for Daily Planet segments: I dove under the BP oil spill for the show in 2010, and will soon be diving with whale sharks and measuring them with lasers.
8 | My eco-friendly heels I’m making an attempt to wean myself off leather after seeing a film about the water pollution caused by tanneries. I have a few pairs of Stella McCartney shoes that are made entirely from vegetable leather. Along with being sustainable, they’re also really chic.
9 | My portable office I was recently in Lamu, Kenya, where I picked up a bag made with traditional Masai cloth. It holds my iPad and my portable keyboard, but it looks like a clutch.
10 | My mezze of choice Byblos is a new Middle Eastern place downtown and, god help me, they have the most delicious labneh. It’s strained yogurt with a little bit of honey and bread. Actually, I can’t decide which I’m more into: labneh or foot massages.
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