
Tweetquake 2010: minor geological event causes social media avalanche

Tweetquake 2010: minor geological event causes social media avalanche

Everybody, check for injuries or property damage—that was an earthquake you felt 24 hours ago. OK? Good, let’s move on to the more important things—who had the funniest post-quake reaction?

As can be expected, Twitter was basically a goldmine yesterday. Whether it was Ivor Tossell‘s “widespread disappointment across Toronto at news that it was not, in fact, the epicentre of the quake” or the more succinct “Quebec is finally separating!” people had a bunch of lulz with their trauma. One that no doubt spoke to many in the “what quake?” demo:

@pushygalor:  @langela I did not “check in” with the #quake since I didn’t feel it. it just wouldn’t be right. #overlymoralcatholicupbringing

Plus, there are these gems:

MamaLibra: Totally missed the #torontoearthquake at Yorkdale. Now know where to head should disaster ever strike. Plus there’s the shopping...

JennMante: Even the earth doesn’t like G20.

RosalindR: Where is the Fake Lake Tsunami Warning?

freeMurphy: Pitchfork gives the #earthquake a 5.5, calls it “derivative, clearly influenced by more seminal eastern quakes”

kylemcinnes: Ottawa government buildings evacuated. Productivity unaffected.

FakeTTC: Attn. TTC customers: When asked how the Toronto earthquake compared to living near streetcar tracks, resident answered, “Pardon?"

The quake also restored balance to the force, as Ottawa quickly abandoned any sympathies for Toronto, what with our attempt to steal “their” quake. Dear Ottawa: how about a trade. We’ll take the minor tremor and broken dishes—you take the G20.

Earthquake has some Ottawans angry at Toronto [National Post]Some of the funniest tweets about the tremors [BlogTO]


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