Parade battleground: Rob Ford considers a big Canada Day event for the same weekend as Pride

Parade battleground: Rob Ford considers a big Canada Day event for the same weekend as Pride

”No, the Canada Day parade is over there.”

On his last Newstalk 1010 show until September, Rob Ford entertained the idea of a big, celebratory parade held in Toronto on July 1—one that would have nothing to do with that other big, celebratory affair on July 1 known as the Pride Parade. The Fords took their alternately dull and gaffe-prone radio program into patriotic territory after Frances Nunziata called in to talk about the annual Canada Day event at Weston Lions Park. Noted idea-man Doug Ford piped up that the city should have a Canada Day parade next year, complete with troops and flags, and Rob heartily agreed. We’re not sure why they’re getting excited about an event that they’ll never attend, thanks to the iron-clad, absolutely unbreakable Ford family laws about spending Canada Day weekend at the cottage—or is there some kind of secret loophole for non-Pride parades? [Toronto Star]

(Images: Ford, West Annex News; Pride scene, Ryan)