Rob and Doug Ford get into a shouting match with debate organizers

Rob and Doug Ford get into a shouting match with debate organizers

tl_ford_now-whatA mayoral debate hosted by the Parkview Hills Community Association got off to a depressing start on Monday night when, before even entering the church basement where the thing was being held, Rob and Doug Ford decided to pick a fight with the organizers. In videos of the incident, the mayor and his brother can be seen nose-to-nose with debate volunteers, loudly accusing of them of running a “biased” event. The Post reports that the confrontation eventually devolved into “pushing and shoving.” The cause of the fight was a rule, set by the debate’s organizers, that limited each candidate to one staff member in the room (apparently, this was to conserve space inside the venue). The Fords were unwilling to accept this, and eventually succeeded in getting at least two staffers, including Doug, inside.