For a while, it seemed like Doug Ford’s suggestion that he might run for and win leadership of the Ontario Progressive Conservative party was just post-mayoral-election-defeat braggadocio. His latest interview on Sun News, though, is a reminder that his bid for Tim Hudak’s old job is very real. Asked whether he’d be putting his name on the leadership ballot, Ford stopped just short of answering in the affirmative. “I’m confident,” he said. “We have a great team. We have the momentum.” (Was he referring to his “grassroots” backers, who may not actually exist?) Later, he made a pitch that seemed aimed at PC insiders. “Out of the 331,000 people that voted for me,” he said, referring to his vote share in the mayoral election, “80 per cent or 85 per cent have never voted PC, never would vote PC, but they would vote PC if I ran.”
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