According to a piece in the Ryerson student weekly The Eyeopener, Toronto-based designer (and Project Runway alum) Lucian Matis will skip LG Fashion Week’s fall season and show in New York instead. The designer recently presented his fall collection in Toronto, but it must not have created the buzz he was looking for. Indeed, his show was given an early 5 p.m. time slot, and the venue wasn’t exactly packed. “You have to be international, you have to grow continuously,” Matis told the paper. “I feel like it’s a little bit slack right now. I feel like it’s not moving forward, so I need to move forward.” Maybe Matis read Amy Verner’s recent Q&A with André Leon Talley, in which the Vogue editor agreed that Canadian designers might have to leave the country in order to get attention. At any rate, fashion week just lost one of its best shows.
• Ryerson fashion grads: big fish in Canadian pond [The Eyeopener]
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