In the absence of a real spring, we were excited to find this bright pop of colour in the muted palette of grey, black and white usually seen inside Yorkville’s UPC Boutique. NorBlack NorWhite, which is exclusively sold in Canada at UPC, is designed by former Torontonians Amrit Kumar and Mriga Kapadiyaa, who recently decamped to India with the hopes of finding inspiration for their collection. Instead of looking to the wild and over-embellished dresses seen in Mumbai, the duo were excited by the small villages where traditional manufacturing processes still thrive, including Bandhani, a tie-dye method native to the region of Kachchh, which was used to make this vibrant top. It is a versatile spring option that could be warn with an immodest pair of shorts, fitted skinny trousers, or nothing at all. It isn’t called peacocking if it looks this good. $160.
UPC Boutique, 128 1/2 Cumberland St., 416-929-9209,
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