Yesterday, we reported that Vancouver’s Lululemon was killing its third-quarter results, with profits doubling and Web sales up 200 per cent. Today, the Globe revealed how the company plans to continue its success: clothes made from silver. The new Silver Luon yoga line, which launched right before the holiday retail frenzy, is being touted as stink-free thanks to being made partially with silver yarn (the clothes themselves are black). Apparently silver has smelly-bacteria-fighting powers that busy gym bunnies want so they can grab a latte or go shopping after working out without worrying about stinking up the joint. And since Silver Luon stuff is made with real silver, Lulu can charge a whack more for it: a jacket is $168 (a similar non-silver version is $118) and a tank top is $78 (regular versions are $52). We expect a premium platinum line any day now.
• Lululemon customers, investors walk path of devotion [Globe and Mail]
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