Captain John reluctant to abandon ship as eviction deadline looms

Captain John reluctant to abandon ship as eviction deadline looms

(Image: shanelkalicharan)

Current Grid cover boy John Letnik (a.k.a. Captain John) of longtime waterfront joint Captain John’s Seafood Restaurant said he will be standing his ground (er, water?) today, the deadline given to him by the City of Toronto and the Port Authority to vacate ship. The floating restaurant was ordered to shut down last month after owing the city thousands in unpaid property taxes (Letnik stopped forking over the tax dollars five years ago, telling the Toronto Sun, “no other ship out here has to pay property taxes”). The idea of evading authorities and setting sail was jokingly entertained, but squashed (the boat has no motor), so Letnik may take the next logical step to save his 42-year-old venture: chain himself to his ship. Yipes. [Toronto Sun]