Is drinking coffee simply too taxing? There’s an inhaler for that

Is drinking coffee simply too taxing? There’s an inhaler for that

Shoot ’em up (Image: Aeroshot)
Shoot ’em up (Image: Aeroshot)

After marvelling (and despairing a little) at breathable chocolate and bacon inhalers, only the latter of which turned out to be an April Fool’s joke, we were curious as to what the next breathable wonder to hit the market would be. Enter the AeroShot, a lipstick-sized tube containing four to six puffs (about 100 mg) of calorie-free, lime-flavoured caffeine. Developed by the same Harvard scientist who created Le Whif inhalable chocolate, the device is being promoted as one of the best coffee alternatives to the oh-so gruelling task of drinking coffee or energy drinks: “pure energy” with “no liquid to slow you down or fill you up.”

Those claims have spooked some people. The product’s recent launch in the U.S. (it’s not yet available in Canada) rekindled worries about the hazards of pairing alcohol with caffeine. “Aeroshot is nothing more than a club drug or a party enhancer designed to give the user the ability to drink until they drop,” U.S. Senator Charles Schumer said at a press conference. He has a point—studies apparently show that people consume more alcohol when it’s paired with energy drinks. Still, to be fair, Breathable Foods, which makes the Aeroshot, is warning users to cap their consumption at three tubes per day and scrupulously avoids mentioning any late-night applications on its website. So who exactly is the product for, then? “Athletes, college students or any of us passing long days at the office.” This is starting to make more sense all of a sudden.

• Skip the Coffee Cup and Inhale Your Caffeine Fix [Associated Press]