There was a moment, near midnight, when we thought the only celebrity coming to the after-party for 99 Homes (sponsored by Grey Goose and Fiji Water) was Lil Jon, and we were totally okay with that. After arriving at America, the new Trump Tower restaurant, the rapper and producer surveyed the scene before splaying out on a set of banquettes near the back. Soon, the actual cast of the film showed up, including Laura Dern, Man of Steel’s Michael Shannon and Spider-Man star Andrew Garfield. Shannon and Garfield both looked scruffy—the former with a longish mop of hair and the latter sporting a full beard. Dern, for her part, was elegant in a black sleeveless number as she chatted with Brit actor Eddie Redmayne, whose film The Theory Of Everything debuted Sunday night. Then the surprise guest showed up: Robert Pattinson, clad in a black baseball cap, in town for Maps To The Stars. For the rest of the night, Pattinson, Garfield and Shannon held court towards the back of the room. (As for Lil Jon, he may have opted to turn down for bed, as we lost sight of him sometime after Pattinson’s cavalcade arrived.) When the trio finally left, it was like witnessing a low-key conga line: half the crowd snaked out silently in their wake.
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