Bono lookalike caught working the crowd at TIFF’s official opening night party

Bono lookalike caught working the crowd at TIFF’s official opening night party

Bono vs. Bono (Images: Lia Grainger)

When someone told us Bono was busy charming the patio crowd at the Liberty Grand last night, we thought it was too good to be true. And, surprise, surprise, turns out it was. The bespectacled fellow with the loosely buttoned shirt posing for photos was Bono lookalike Matt Easter, who handed us a card with a 905 number. His buddy claimed Easter has toured with U2 as a double, and that Bono once said, “We look so alike, it’s scary.” We won’t take it that far, but for the girls that hung off his arm for photos, it seems the poor man’s Bono does the job in a pinch.