The question Panic Room star Jared Leto must’ve heard a gazillion times on the Dallas Buyers Club red carpet Saturday night: “What’s it like wearing heels?” (His response, if you must know: “I’d recommend it. It’ll give yourself a deeper understanding and appreciation for women around the world”). Leto, who plays a transgender woman in the Jean-Marc Vallée drama, looked Jordan Catalano–cool as he sauntered by with his chest partially bared and eyebrows once again fully intact (he had to shave them for the role). He stopped to mug for cameras with co-star Matthew McConaughey, who looked super-svelte (but no longer completely emaciated) after shedding almost 50 pounds to play a grizzled, HIV-ravaged cowboy in the film—a stunt that nearly cost him his eyesight. Rounding out the lead trio was former Alias star Jennifer Garner, who recovered nicely from a near-stumble on the city’s pesky streetcar tracks and joked with reporters about being married to the new Caped Crusader. Unfortunately, Batfleck himself wasn’t on hand. Unless he was perched in the rafters. Waiting.
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