Having been proven wrong last week about the awesomeness of parties held in parkades, we jumped on the invite to ET Canada’s party for TIFF film Good Neighbours, located on the roof of a Yorkville garage. But unlike at Absolut’s event, the golf carts at this shindig weren’t for riding. Our inner teenage girl tittered at the possibility of seeing star Scott Speedman (at the risk of dating ourselves, we’ve loved him since Felicity), but instead we ran into such locals as Cheryl Hickey, Ainsley Kerr and Peter Fallico, along with drunken industry types galore. Our favourite moment of the night came when we exited the porta-potty (such a classy way to pee) and bumped Jill Hennessy on the butt with the door. Ever the Canadian, she, of course, apologized to us.
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