People waited in line for hours (days, even) every time a new Harry Potter book or movie was released. But now the magic is over (unless you’re cruising Pottermore as one of the lucky beta testers), and there’s very little around to fill the void of Hermione, Ron, Harry, Snape, Dumbledore and the rest of the gang. That is, until February 11, when Potted Potter: The Unauthorized Harry Experience premieres in North America at the Panasonic Theatre, after selling out Edinburgh Fringe and five runs in London. The play “pots” the seven books into 70 minutes and stars ex–Children’s BBC hosts Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner; Lyn Gardner of The Guardian heralded it as “inventive, daft fun for all the family that doesn’t feel the slightest bit cynical.” Now, if only Daniel Radcliffe—who’s coming to Toronto!—would show some skin in this play too (but don’t worry, he won’t—he’s not in it, and besides, that would be totally inappropriate). Tickets are available now.
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