According to Leviticus 19:28, “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.”
Some theologians interpret the passage as a strict prohibition against tattoos and other “body art.” Then again, Leviticus also bans trimming your beard, eating shrimp, wearing two different kinds of fabric, and smooching a guy if you are yourself a guy. So we don’t take it too seriously. And Justin Bieber sure doesn’t.
The former-teen-heartthrob-turned-just-regular heartthrob is back in the news after getting a teeny-tiny cross tattooed on his face. A face tat, even one so small it could be mistaken for an eyelash, may seem shocking. Getting inked above the neckline is a thing people usually do to kill time in prison—but Bieber may have just straight-up run out of real estate on the rest of his body, which is pretty heavily inked as-is.
In tribute to Bieber’s latest tattoo—one of 30 to 50, depending how you count them—and his rad religious devotion, here’s a chronology of all his religious zappers.
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