The latest reality cooking show from Food Network Canada boasts a unique prize for the cooks who take the top spot: a year-long lease on a food truck. The aptly named Food Truck Face Off follows pairs of amateur chefs in four cities—Toronto, Miami, L.A. and Austin—as they compete in curbside battles to win over hungry pedestrians. The most profitable team in each city gets the grand prize—which, in Toronto’s current bureaucratic climate, might mean the opportunity to shell out wads of cash to fund a losing business venture. Of course, it is possible that the city’s street-food bylaws might be a little looser by the time the show’s winners hit the road (if not, they could always flee to food truck–friendly Burlington or Niagara). For those cooks dying to serve snacks out of a truck window, no matter what the hassle, Toronto auditions are being held on January 28 and 29.
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