What it is: Rather than have the stars stop over at a lounge or suite, the swag comes to them. Bask-It-Style hand delivers its goody bags to hotels so the stars can feed their swag-hoarding addictions in the privacy of their own suites.
Who goes: Thus far, Jason Priestley, Gabrielle Miller, Tara Spencer-Nairn and the cast of Degrassi have swung by during the media preview to take a look at the bag and its contents, but there are high hopes for getting these bags in Madonna or Bono’s hot little hands. See what the celebrities are getting in a gallery after the jump.
What they get: The thought seems to be that free stuff can amount to a return visit to Toronto, since all A-listers will receive gift certificates for a one-night stay at the soon-to-be-opened Shangri-La Hotel. Those looking to steal a smooch from Blake Lively might hope she gets her hands on Mèradesso Lip Treats, a lip balm and primer making its exclusive TIFF debut (it won’t be available to the public until the holiday season). We hope the celebs who end up with these bags like to read—the bags are chock full of books like the Giller-nominated A World Elsewhere by Wayne Johnston and Tish Cohen’s Inside Out Girl and Town House, both of which have been optioned for films (Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are believed to be attached to Inside Out Girl). For celebs looking for the next trend in spirituality, Healing Hands on the Go offers gift certificates for Reiki treatments (Reiki is a Japanese healing technique for relaxation). Believe it or not, all this (and more) is crammed into a nifty canvas tote bag by Diesel.
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