Like most of TIFF’s A-list, George Clooney and company drive to and fro in Richmond Limousines. We asked one of the Men in Black Mercedes what it’s like to chauffeur TIFF’s most-chased entourage. His response? Far more sigh than gush.
“I’m driving until 3 a.m. again tonight,” the driver told us. “It’s so busy. Every night I’m driving someone I recognize from a magazine, but I’m bad with names.”
What’s been the craziest trip so far?
“Last night there were girls grabbing all our cars, trying to climb in with Mr. Clooney. They didn’t even know which car he was in!” He gave a disdainful shake of the head. “The guys just knock on the window and say hello. But these girls, they go insane.”
We shook our heads, too, as if to say: go crazy for Clooney? Oh no, we’d never.
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