Earlier this month, the cash-for-gold skirmish between Jack Berkovits and Harold “the Jewellery Buyer” Gerstel went international, with a lengthy feature in the New Yorker on the ongoing feud. This week, hostilities were renewed once again with Berkovits taking legal action against the Jewellery Buyer, alleging that Gerstel has been encroaching on his territory and snatching up his customers—sometimes literally. The Toronto Star reports that court documents claim employees of Gerstel grabbed customers to drag them away from Berkovits’ business. Of course, this is just the latest chapter in the long, sordid story of the pair of sworn enemies. For our part, we can’t help but think Russell Oliver, he of spandex suits and cowboy hats, is somehow ultimately to blame—you know, for cheapening the cash-for-gold profession and all. Read the entire story [Toronto Star] »
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