
Rob “Fucking” Ford allegedly berates 911 dispatchers in aftermath of 22 Minutes ambush

That a simple Google search for “Rob Ford, bitches” now returns a wealth of recent stories is definitely bad news for the mayor. The latest in the ongoing Ford-versus-CBC drama is that Ford, who called 911 twice during Monday’s ordeal, allegedly abused dispatchers. To put it more directly, he called them “bitches” and asked (we assume rhetorically) “Don’t you fucking know? I’m Rob fucking Ford, the mayor of this city!” We could point out the irony in Ford’s impatience with pushing for police cuts and then complaining about lengthy wait times. Or that the poor mayor doesn’t seem to know what 911 is actually for. But instead, we’ll just wait patiently for the recorded phone call to leak. Read the entire story [CBC] »


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