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Rob Ford has a very of supporters on council

By Monika Warzecha
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Rob Ford has a very of supporters on council
(Image: Christopher Drost)

Rob Ford championed a dry issue in yesterday’s council meeting, arguing that the city could save about $200,00 a year by no longer hiring outside planners to appear at the Ontario Municipal Board hearings. Uncharacteristically, the mayor got up to move motions and take questions—but his efforts to stop the hiring in three cases were voted down 34-4, 33-5 and 33-4 (and Josh Colle pushed the wrong button and accidentally sided with Ford on the first of those). As a councillor, Ford was a contrarian, moving motions that received little support and being the sole dissenter on others—and it looks, increasingly, like he’s reverting to that role. But, while being an outsider may be fine for a councillor, we’re not sure it works as well for the person leading the city. [Globe and Mail]


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